Residential & International Trips - Halcyon London International School

Residential & International Trips

Residentials Trips

At the beginning of the year, Halcyon students G6-G11 go on a one-week residential trip. Residentials offer students the opportunity to form long-lasting relationships while broadening their horizons.

All students are expected to attend with costs are covered by the school. Additionally, Halcyon offers exciting international trips for students interested in deepening their knowledge about different cultures.

Led by staff members who carefully curate activities for all interested students, our international trips are a unique opportunity.

To sign up students for residential trips, click the links below.

International Trips

Throughout the year the Halcyon undertake a selection of International trips. These international trips offer students the opportunity to explore different cultures and environment to enhance their learning.

To register interest for students for lnternational trips, click the links below.