IB Student Profile | Halcyon London International School



IB Student Profile: Lola, Grade 12, on the Diploma Programme

IB Student Profile

The IB Diploma Programme is a path for post-16 education that is both challenging and engaging: broader than A-Levels and respected in the judgement of top universities, students can feel confident that this is a curriculum that will prepare them for the future.

Moving on from the IB Middle Years Programme or GCSEs to the IB Diploma Programme can be daunting - but our students say that it’s worth it

Lola, Grade 12, feels secure in her choice to study the Diploma - and we hope that you will too! Here’s her IB Student Profile:

The IBDP: a summary

The IB is absolutely preparing students for university. Firstly, the mandatory six subjects - spanning a range of academic fields and disciplines, ensuring students engage with both the humanities, sciences, languages and arts - allows students to explore their academic interests. The range can help students solidify the subject which they want to study at university, and discover their personality as a learner.

“The additional core requirements, such as the Extended Essay, also allows students to not only write a first, extensive research piece resembling a dissertation, but also explore an area of interest. Furthermore, the amount of work that comes from having six subjects and three core requirements forces students to develop their self-management skills, as well as the ability to study independently which is required for university.”

lola grade 12

IB Student Profile: Subjects

Lola studies Spanish, English Literature, and History at Higher Level - a broad and challenging programme that will prepare her for any path in higher education and beyond. These HLs are supplemented by Mathematics, Biology, and a Pamoja online Film course at Standard Level: Halcyon offers an extensive variety of courses from Business Management to Psychology through this medium. This full list of our IB subjects may inspire you to think about what kind of subject combination you might pursue.

As well as offering a gold-standard qualification to university, the IB Diploma at Halcyon is accompanied by a wide variety of extra-curricular activities to supplement both student life and learning: from our Model United Nations club, which takes a trip to the Hague every year for MUNISH, to lighter and more active options such as our senior football clubs, there’s something for every student who joins our warm and welcoming learning community. Each student also receives a bespoke programme of mentoring - cognitive coaching - to prepare them for academia and beyond. 

Read more:

3 Ways In Which The IB Prepares Students for Oxbridge

IB vs A-Levels

Profile of an Archaeologist: Explorations at Halcyon

Supporting New Students: Navigating Change And Academic Challenge

Subjects at Halcyon

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