Community Spotlight: Charlie Sears, Halcyon Graduate



Community Spotlight: Charlie Sears, Halcyon Graduate

Can you share some memorable experiences from your time at Halcyon?  What were you most proud of? 

A standout memory at Halcyon was in the IB art exhibition. Seeing my and my classmates’ artwork on display, showcasing the culmination of two years of hard work and creativity, was a proud moment for me. 

At university, what did you study and where?

After Halcyon, I attended the University of Richmond in Virginia, where I studied Film and Rhetoric. I sought a small school that mirrored the collaborative, nurturing atmosphere I had experienced at Halcyon.

How did your education at Halcyon contribute to your career journey?

Halcyon played a significant role in shaping my career journey by providing me with vital communication skills crucial for establishing networks in the film and marketing industry I aimed to join. Participating in opportunities such as MUN and GIN, and receiving supportive guidance from faculty, strengthened my capacity to forge professional connections. This strong foundation empowered me to proactively build a network that eventually led to securing my first professional position as an Assistant Editor at a Post-Production studio in Boston.

Which specific skills or knowledge gained during your time here have been most valuable in your professional life?

My job demands a keen eye for visual detail, a skill I owe to the exceptional art teachers at Halcyon, such as Mr. Gow and Miss Sue, who nurtured my creativity and refined my artistic abilities. Moreover, Halcyon instilled in me the significance of a well-rounded approach to work. It emphasised effective communication and the interconnectedness of various subjects, valuing a breadth of intellectual skills rather than focusing solely on one. I often draw upon my maths classes to calculate multipliers for scaling footage with different resolutions or aspect ratios. Likewise, my studies of language from English classes at Halcyon helps me articulate more compelling marketing terminology and interpretations in my projects. There are so many more instances where I find myself referring back to the incredible education I received at Halcyon!

If you could give one piece of advice to current students, what would it be?

Participating in the wide array of extracurricular activities Halcyon offers not only enhances your communication skills but also strengthens your college application. Embracing these opportunities will demonstrate the value of community involvement beyond academics. 

What do you remember of the transition from Halcyon to university and into the working world?

Before online classes became as prevalent as they are today, Halcyon had already paved the way for digital learning experiences. As life beyond university increasingly revolves around the digital sphere, Halcyon's focus on online and digital education helped me to embrace this rapid change. 

What does the school's 10-year anniversary mean to you personally?

Halcyon's 10-year anniversary is an opportunity for me to appreciate how the school has shaped and equipped me for life in my career. Witnessing Halcyon's growth and success from its 1st to its 10th year is truly remarkable and meaningful. I am excited to celebrate the collective achievements of the school community and be reunited with old friends, teachers, and staff!

What hopes do you have for the next decade of the school's growth and development?

I hope that over the next decade, the school continues to innovate and evolve. Halcyon has consistently led in embracing emerging technologies and preparing students to excel in a rapidly evolving world. It would be wonderful to witness Halcyon expand its offerings as students introduce and explore new interests. Halcyon has always excelled at accommodating and nurturing students' passions, and I look forward to seeing its ongoing dedication to fostering a supportive environment.