There are a number of crises that could affect a school. However, all of them will result in a finite number of emergency responses which you can be prepared for. For example:
The most important thing in a crisis is communications, its primary role is to reduce panic. Panic can cause emotional reactions, which we need to prevent in order to successfully contain a crisis situation.
An intruder enters the building and the campus has been put on a classroom lock down. Parents have been notified, but not told what action they should take. Parents start arriving at the school and walking in…
You can see where this is going. Misinformation or slow communications will affect people’s lives in a crisis. Preparedness is key to keeping everyone safe.
Have every communication prepared ahead of time. Take the time to think through all the kinds of scenarios that might logically happen for each emergency response eg: an intruder on campus, a terrorist threat nearby, a fire etc.
Create templates so you can have them reviewed and checked by all the right people prior to a crisis event – this saves precious time where you might be needed elsewhere.
Explain the actions people need to take clearly in simple, plain english for each group of people. You can follow my 4 S’s – they might help you critique your communications.
If you’re following advice from another source then ensure you are not reinterpreting anything when you have no expertise; even creating a summary can lead to misinformation.
Trust the government or emergency services and simply link to their websites. These websites are often updated live which prevents your information from becoming out of date. Think about including a timestamp where appropriate to reduce this risk.
Wherever possible, supply an email or phone number – letting people be heard can reassure them and reduce misinterpretation. If it’s an ongoing crisis (a good example being the current issues surrounding the Coronavirus) try to make sure your leadership team is more visible around campus to field any questions; this is another way to communicate and reduce panic.
The community will very likely have questions. Ensure that those who are engaging with them have an agreed response to some of the more likely questions. Do not deviate from the script nor from any government/emergency service advice.
Ensure your communications are accessible by thinking about the channels you are using. Can everyone in your community access these? Do you have anyone in the community with special needs which might mean they cannot access your message – perhaps a phone call might be better for these individuals?
You should have the capability to email or text the whole community in a short space of time. Consider creating a webpage that provides updates for the community to revisit. Most importantly how will you logistically send these messages?
Most people these days will have their smartphone on them, even in a crisis, with which you can access the internet almost anywhere. You should be able to send emergency updates from a smart mobile device as a backup.
Communications in a crisis doesn’t have to be stressful, complicated or only left to professionals; prepare your communications ahead of time, have as many people reviewing those templates as possible, and be able to send out the message from anywhere.
By Katy Wrench, Marketing Leader at Halcyon London International School
Featured on Ambleglow.